Executive coaching....
for knotty issues

Many leaders fall short of their potential

Lack of purpose and direction
What excited you ten years ago got boring and unmotivational. You wonder if this is the life you want to live. You’re not your true self at work.
You think you’re lacking exciting options for your next move. Your know-how becomes increasingly irrelevant driven by technological changes.
You’re feeling exhausted and uninspired. Driven by tight deadlines, endless meetings, and constantly evolving critical situations.
Unproductive busyness
“Busyness is the new stupid.”
(Buffett & Gates)

It feels good to check off to-do lists and power through small tasks. But does it really make a difference to your career and life?
It can become isolated at the top and life can start to feel isolated. Being the one who carries most responsibility, setting standards, and being constantly observed, can be challenging.
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Let’s untangle...
your knotty issues,

As your thinking partner I help you to untangle the difficult issues. The executives I work with are all smart and understand the cognitive concepts that could solve their struggles. However, creating long-lasting change requires more. Together we’ll work on cognitive and emotional levers to create Aha! moments that trigger long-term improvements.
Increase your Leadership Impact
Learn to let go of the day-to-day and start thinking strategically. Help others to create positive impact.
Gain Confidence and Executive Presence
Identify your values and beliefs. Get rid of positive and negative illusions about yourself. Increased self-awareness will make you a confident leader capable of inspiring others.
Acquire New Capabilities
Find new ways of handling the ever-growing demands on leaders.
of organizations that introduced coaching saw an improvement in leadership and management effectiveness.
of coachees improve their communication and presence.
of coachees improve work performance and develop new buisness management strategies.
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Deep executive

Solving your knotty issues doesn't require endless analysis of your problems.

Together we will focus on solutions and how to activate your resources
to overcome unproductive behaviors.

My deep coaching approach doesn't follow one specific school of thought, but leverages interventions from cognitive-behavioral, systemic, and psychodynamic thinking to achieve results quickly.

Your executive

Hi, I’m Emanuel and I’ll be your executive coach.
After 25 years in different business leadership positions I’ve decided to follow my passion to help others become better leaders.

I’ve led large teams, entered new markets, and built organizations from scratch. As a former CEO and VP of Sales & Marketing I’ve developed businesses in many European and Asian countries. This includes the UK, Germany, France, Denmark, Japan, Korea, and Austria.

I hold an Executive MBA from INSEAD, have been a Global Leadership Fellow at the World Economic Forum, and completed leadership studies at London Business School and Wharton.

What drives me is to live a full life. Helping others to succeed provides me with a great sense of satisfaction and achievement.

The working relationship between coachee and coach is sacred to me. Absolut confidentiality, trust, and positive intentions are the basis for everything. The coachee decides how far to go.

Check my LinkedIn profile to learn more about my professional background.


"Solved a critical situation with my employer"
"With the help of Emanuel, I was able to successfully navigate a difficult conversation about my career goals. His professional advice, commitment, and empathy assisted me in achieving my objectives. The solution we developed together was also beneficial for my company as it satisfied the needs of all parties involved."
Ilona Hölzl, Program Manager, Leading Retail Company
"Huge Impact"
"As a founder and CEO of a VC-backed business I have to make difficult decisions on a daily basis. Emanuel is a rare combination of a business expert and insightful coach, with the ability to both challenge and support. I don't often provide testimonials, but I would highly recommend Emanuel to other founders, CEO's and executives that are looking to untangle their difficult decisions."
Matt King, Co-Founder and CEO, VC-backed SaaS company
"I became more effective and made better choices"
"Emanuel has had a huge impact on my professional career and progress! He puts his coachee's success at the heart of everything he does and his deep coaching has helped me understand myself better, so I could become more effective and make better choices. Besides his professional competency, it's also a pleasure to work with him. I strongly recommend Emanuel to anyone who's in front of difficult decisions!"
David Cardew, Sales Director Central Europe, Technology Company
"Accelerated my career"
"In only a few sessions, Emanuel enabled me to understand my drivers and values, evaluate different career options, negotiate the terms with a new employer, and come to an agreement that makes me truly happy. With his help I accelerated my career while feeling more in-synch with my true beliefs. I highly recommend Emanuel for any executive that is looking to make significant career or life changes."
Markus Hölzl, Production Manager, F&B Industry
"Effective, efficient, enjoyable"
"Working with Emanuel really helped me to set my priorities right, challenge my assumptions, keep me accountable, and focus on what really matters. It's rare to work with someone who does not only possess insights and top-class know-how in a broad range of business topics, but is also a good listener and empathic communicator."
Soren Petersen, Founder Mediacloud.ai

In-person and remote options

While some situations will require in-person coaching, many can be tackled with online coaching. Together we'll agree on the best format for our engagement.
I provide in-person coaching in Salzburg, Linz, Vienna, Munich and London.
Online coaching is available globally, during Central European business hours (CET).

Are you ready to tackle your knotty issues?

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